Struggle “The Life And Lost Art Of Szukalski”
Client: Netflix
Visual Design by Elastic
Design Director: Duncan Elms
Lead Designers: Lynn Cho, EJ Kang
Designers: June Cho, Yelim Lee, Krystal Sojourner, Benjamin Woodlock
2D Animators: Peter Murphy, Steven Do, Jeffrey Jeong, Jason Lee, Sam Sparks, Jonathan Taylor, Lucy Kim, Eric Zunkley
VFX Supervisor: Shahana Khan
CG Supervisor: Kirk Shintani
2D VFX Artists: Elliott Brennan, Brinton Jaecks, Kelsey Napier, Daniel Raschko, Maciek Sokalski
3D Artists: Paulo de Almada, Ken Bishop, Bryan Cox, Jessica Hearst, Josephine Khang, DJ Kim, Jose Limon, Adam Newman, Joe Paniagua, Joao Rosa, Ian Ruhfass, Aemilia Widodo, Christian Sanchez
Post Producers: Ashlie Iacocca, Heather Johann, Josef LeBeau, Andrew Rosenberger, Megan Rodriguez
Head of Production: Kate Berry
Executive Producer: Luke Colson
Managing Directors: Linda Carlson, Jennifer Sofio Hall
Finishing by a52
Colorist: Paul Yacono
Conform: Chris Riley, Gabe Sanchez
VFX Artists: Chris Riley, Andy Davis, Dan Ellis, Matt Sousa
VFX Producer: Jenny Bright
Executive Producers: Patrick Nugent, Kim Christensen
Managing Directors: Linda Carlson, Jennifer Sofio Hall
Client: Netflix
Visual Design by Elastic
Design Director: Duncan Elms
Lead Designers: Lynn Cho, EJ Kang
Designers: June Cho, Yelim Lee, Krystal Sojourner, Benjamin Woodlock
2D Animators: Peter Murphy, Steven Do, Jeffrey Jeong, Jason Lee, Sam Sparks, Jonathan Taylor, Lucy Kim, Eric Zunkley
VFX Supervisor: Shahana Khan
CG Supervisor: Kirk Shintani
2D VFX Artists: Elliott Brennan, Brinton Jaecks, Kelsey Napier, Daniel Raschko, Maciek Sokalski
3D Artists: Paulo de Almada, Ken Bishop, Bryan Cox, Jessica Hearst, Josephine Khang, DJ Kim, Jose Limon, Adam Newman, Joe Paniagua, Joao Rosa, Ian Ruhfass, Aemilia Widodo, Christian Sanchez
Post Producers: Ashlie Iacocca, Heather Johann, Josef LeBeau, Andrew Rosenberger, Megan Rodriguez
Head of Production: Kate Berry
Executive Producer: Luke Colson
Managing Directors: Linda Carlson, Jennifer Sofio Hall
Finishing by a52
Colorist: Paul Yacono
Conform: Chris Riley, Gabe Sanchez
VFX Artists: Chris Riley, Andy Davis, Dan Ellis, Matt Sousa
VFX Producer: Jenny Bright
Executive Producers: Patrick Nugent, Kim Christensen
Managing Directors: Linda Carlson, Jennifer Sofio Hall